Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year. We look forward to another year of continued learning for the children and wonderful events for our St. Teresa-St. Rita STREAM Community to organize. There are a number of events scheduled throughout the year. We hope you, fellow parents and guardians, join us to make these events successful.
Throughout the year the parent organization officers, together with Mrs. Fresca, will host general parent organization meetings. They will be noted in our school claendar. We urge you to participate in these meetings as valuable information is imparted as well as important parent organization items are discussed and collectively decided upon. As well, this website will be updated periodically and information will be sent home to you by the officers and event chairpersons.
Please remember, each and every parent or guardian who has a child attending St. Teresa-St. Rita STREAM Academy is automatically a member of the St. Teresa-St. Rita STREAM Academy Parent Organization.(STSRSAPO) You are vital to the success of the school and community. We look forward to a successful school year.
President: Stephanie LoPinto
Vice President: Cherilyn Hoti
Co-Treasurers: Ann Bilotti and Crystal Shearin
Corresponding Secretary: Cathy-Jo Hoey
Co-Class Parent Associates: Lisa Milazzo and Maria Comeau
Co-Hospitality Chairs: Jennifer Bock and Carolina Ferrante
Media/Communications: Maria Comeau
Fundraising Chair: Graceann Alaimo-LoBue
Hospitality Committee: Graceann Alaimo-LoBue, Lisa Milazzo, and Nicole Puccio