Communication is key! Under this section, you may find current and archived news and newsletters, upcoming events and important dates. Check back daily for updates!
Welcome to 3K Green Class Page!
PLEASE CALL OFFICE BY 9:00am when your child is absent and the reason for the absence (or you can email [email protected] & cc [email protected])
The school uniform is required for all students. Uniforms can be purchased through Flynn & O'Hara. Pre-K students are required to wear the full gym uniform and white velcro sneakers.
Outdoor Play:
We play outdoors twice a day, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. Please have your child wear a hat and mittens according to the weather. (No gloves unless your child can independently put them on.) Please work with your child on how to take off and put on their own coat.
Dress Down Money:
Monthly dress downs are held for different fundraising events. All money should be currency only. No coins, including foreign coins and play tokens should be sent in. All bills should be sent in an envelope with your child’s name.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Next week in 3K, we will be learning about “reusing” .
Monday: President’s Day NO SCHOOL
Tuesday: NO SCHOOL
Wednesday: What does this sign tell you to do? (Display a photo of a stop sign.)
Thursday: What happens to this bottle when it is empty? (Display an empty plastic water bottle.)
Friday: Do you know what this is made of? (Display a papier-mâché bowl.)
2/22 Mother& Son Event (RSVP due by 2/14)
2/28 3K Fashion Show at 1:15pm (Please send in completed Paper bag outfit on 2/24)
2/28 $2 Blue, Red, or Pink Dress Down for Cardiology at Mount Sinai in memory of Michael Bielawski
*Please make sure to email or send in some pictures for our Home School Connection board. Examples: Your child taking out the trash, cleaning up, making something from recyclable items, etc.
*Please practice tracing/writing your child’s name at home. Dry erase sheets were sent home for at home use.
Next week in 3K we will be learning about “reducing”.
Monday: Do you throw these items away? (Display a paper cup and a plastic bottle.)
Tuesday: Is there any trash inside this can? (Display an empty trash can.)
Wednesday: What is inside the trash can? (Display a trash can filled with paper towels.)
Thursday: How many paper towels should we use to dry our hands? (Display one paper towel and two paper towels.)
Friday:What is your favorite thing to drink?
2/10 Scholastic Book orders due online
2/13 is the 100th day of School: Dress as a 100 year old or wear an outfit decorated with 100 items
2/14 Happy Valentine’s Day: Optional Pink/ Red Dress Down: $2 donation
Please send in cards, label the envelope with To/From. Thank you!
2/17 & 2/18 NO SCHOOL -Presidents Day
2/22 Mother& Son Event (RSVP due by 2/14)
2/28 3K Fashion Show at 1:15pm (Please send in completed Paper bag outfit on 2/24)
2/28 $2 Blue, Red, or Pink Dress Down for Cardiology at Mount Sinai in memory of Michael Bielawski
*Please practice tracing/writing your child’s name at home. Dry erase sheets and markers are being sent home today. Keep these for at home practice. When writing, support your child with the proper grasp and write “top to bottom” when forming letters. The children have been working very hard on tracing/writing their names in school.__________________________________________________________________________________
Next week in 3K we will be concluding our Clothing Study and starting Reduce, Reuse, & Recycle.
Monday: Do you have a button on your clothes today?
Tuesday: Celebrate Learning -What song should we play at the fashion show?
Wednesday: Celebrate Learning-How are you going to walk down the runway?
Thursday: *R,R R Study * What do you put inside this container? (Display a trash can.)
Friday: What have you thrown away today?
2/13 is the 100th day of School: Dress as a 100 year old or wear an outfit decorated with 100 items
2/14 Happy Valentine’s Day: Optional Pink/ Red Dress Down: $2 donation
We will be distributing cards in class.
2/17 & 2/18 NO SCHOOL -Presidents Day
2/22 Mother& Son Event (RSVP due by 2/14)
2/28 3K Fashion Show at 1:15pm (Students will decorate a large paper bag (that will be provided) as an outfit and return to school on 2/24) Paper bag and RSVP letter are forthcoming.
*Catholic Schools Week Reminders:
Monday 1/27: Dress as a Superhero/historic figure, school spirit (Bring in Appreciation Cards for Faculty & Staff)
Tuesday 1/28: Sports Dress Down (Bring in a can for the food pantry)
Wednesday 1/29: Dress in Green
Thursday 1/30: Dress as a Storybook Character
Friday 1/31: Parent Appreciation Day at 8:45am
Next week in 3K we will be learning about “clothing stores” & “making clothes”.
Monday: What questions would you like to ask a store worker?
Tuesday: What do you do with clothes that you do not wear anymore? (Display photos of a trash can, a younger child, and a donation bin.)
Wednesday: What do you notice about this piece of fabric? (Display a piece of fabric with easily visible threads.)
Thursday: Do you have a picture or pattern on your shirt?
Friday: What do you notice about this piece of fabric? (Display a piece of denim fabric.)
-Optional Valentine Cookie orders are due 1/31 (will be distributed 2/13)
- 1/31 Father Daughter Dance
-Designer Bag Bingo is 2/7 (payment is due by 1/31)
Looking Ahead:
2/13 is the 100th day of School: Dress as a 100 year old or wear an outfit decorated with 100 items
2/14 Happy Valentine’s Day: Optional Pink/Dress Down: $2 donation
We will be distributing cards in class, and the class list will be sent home.
2/17 & 2/18 NO SCHOOL-Presidents Day
2/28 3K Fashion Show at 1:15pm (Students will decorate a large paper bag (that will be provided) as an outfit and return to school on 2/24) Paper bag and RSVP letter are forthcoming.
*Scholastic Book orders are due online by 1/22
Next week in 3K we will be learning about “taking care of clothes”.
Monday:1/20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day-NO SCHOOL
Tuesday: What is this called? (Show a photo of a clothes washer.)
Wednesday: What happens to clothes after they are washed?
Thursday: What happened to this sock? (Display a sock with a hole in it.)
Friday: Where do you get your clothes?
-PKFA Applications 1/15-2/28 *indicate you are a current student
-Optional Chocolate Bar Fundraiser - $60 cash payment (1/15-2/5)
-1/22 Optional Burgundy Dress Down for $2 Donation for Hirschsprung
- 1/26-2/1 Catholic Schools Week:Please review the IRIS Alert
-1/31 Parent Appreciation Day at 8:45am
- 1/31 Father Daughter Dance
-Designer Bag Bingo is 2/7 (payment is due by 1/31)
Looking Ahead:
2/13 is the 100th day of School: Dress as a 100 year old or wear an outfit decorated with 100 items
2/14 Happy Valentine’s Day: Optional Pink/Dress Down: $2 donation
We will be distributing cards in class, and the class list will be sent home.
2/17 & 2/18 NO SCHOOL-Presidents Day
2/28 3K Fashion Show at 1:15pm (Students will decorate a large paper bag (that will be provided) as an outfit and return to school on 2/24) Paper bag and RSVP letter are forthcoming.
*Please email/send in photos for our “Clothing Study”, if you haven’t already done so.
Next week in 3K we will be learning about “types of clothing”.
Monday:What is the name of this clothing item? (Display an unfamiliar clothing item, such as an apron or vest.)
Tuesday:What are these? (Display a pair of mittens.)
Wednesday: When do you wear this? (Display a pair of children’s pajamas or a photo of children’s pajamas.)
Thursday: What type of clothing is this person wearing? (Display a photo of a firefighter wearing a uniform.)
Friday: What happens to clothes when they get dirty?
-1/13 7:30 pm STSRSAPO Parent Meeting
- 1/15 Optional Winter Dress Down in your favorite color: $2 donation
& World’s Finest Chocolate Bar Fundraiser -more information to follow
- 1/20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day-NO SCHOOL
- 1/26-2/1 Catholic Schools Week:more information to follow
- 1/31 Father Daughter Dance
-Designer Bag Bingo is 2/7 (payment is due by 1/31)
Today, we started our Clothing study!
Clothing Pictures
Please take a picture of your child exploring or discovering “clothing” around them. You can send in or email the pictures. We will be displaying these pictures in our classroom to create a strong home school connection. Children love to share about their home lives with the class. (Examples: favorite/new outfit, shopping for clothes, helping with laundry, etc. )
1/8 Please check out this flyer about a parent workshop:
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Thank you for the class gift and the individual gifts. It is greatly appreciated.
Have a wonderful holiday break!
There is No SCHOOL: 12/23, 12/24,12/25, 12/26,12/27,12/30, 12/31, 1/1, 1/2, &1/3 (School resumes 1/6). Flu vaccination proof is required for and due by January 6th.
Please take this time to help foster independent skills. (Putting on/taking off coat, using the restroom-pulling pants up and down, wiping, etc.)
When we return we will be concluding our tree study and starting our clothing study.
Monday: What did you do over the break?
Tuesday: What is something you learned about trees?
Wednesday:What clothes are you wearing today?
Thursday: Can I wear pants on my head?
Friday: What color shirt are you wearing today?
-1/13 7:30 pm STSRSAPO Parent Meeting
- 1/15 Optional Winter Dress Down in your favorite color: $2 donation
& World’s Finest Chocolate Bar Fundraiser -more information to follow
- 1/20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day-NO SCHOOL
- 1/26-2/1 Catholic Schools Week:more information to follow
- 1/31 Father Daughter Dance
Next week in 3K, we will be learning about “things that live in trees” & “what things are made from trees”.
Monday: Does this animal live in a tree? (Display a photo of a dog.)
Tuesday: What is the monkey eating? (Display a photo of a monkey eating a banana.)
Wednesday:Are tree branches easy to break?
Thursday: What would you like to ask our visitor?
Friday: What do we use this tool for? (Display a hammer.)
- 12/20 Breakfast with Santa (Please return the permission slip/$5 donation) & Optional Red and Green Dress Down: $2 donation
No SCHOOL: 12/23, 12/24,12/25, 12/26,12/27,12/30, 12/31, 1/1, 1/2, &1/3 (School resumes 1/6)
-Flu vaccination proof is required and due by January 6th
Next week in 3K, we will be learning about “trees growing and changing”.
Monday: What type of tree would you like to make? (Display photos of trees collected throughout the study.)
Tuesday: How tall were you when you were a baby?
Wednesday:How do water and food help us grow?
Thursday: What questions would you ask an arborist?
Friday: What do you see in these photos? (Show photos of a bird, an insect, and a reptile in trees.)
-12/9 12pm Dismissal for 3K due to Parent Teacher Conferences ( If you need a phone conference, please let me know.)
-12/12 $2 Christmas Sweater/Shirt Dress Down Day ( for Evangeline’s stocking drive)
- 12/20 Breakfast with Santa (Please return the permission slip/$5 donation) & Optional Red and Green Dress Down: $2 donation
No SCHOOL: 12/23, 12/24,12/25, 12/26,12/27,12/30, 12/31, 1/1, 1/2, &1/3 (School resumes 1/6)
-Flu vaccination proof is required and due by January 6th
Happy Thanksgiving!
* We will be keeping the sheets and blankets for next week.
Next week in 3K, we will be learning about “parts of trees”.
Monday: What do you want to learn about trees?
Tuesday: What parts are missing on this tree? (Display a large sheet of chart paper with a tree trunk drawn in the center.)
Wednesday: Which tree has a bigger trunk? (Display photos of two trees that are near the school, one with a large trunk and one with a small trunk.)
Thursday: Where are the branches on this tree? (Display a photo of a tree.)
Friday: Can you name this part of a tree? (Display a leaf.)
-12/6 Christmas Fair:Shopping Time 9:45-10:25 am
-12/9 12pm Dismissal for 3K due to Parent Teacher Conferences (Please return sign up sheet. If you need a phone conference, please let me know.)
- 12/20 Breakfast with Santa & Optional Red and Green Dress Down: $2 donation
No SCHOOL: 12/23, 12/24,12/25, 12/26,12/27,12/30, 12/31, 1/1, 1/2, &1/3 (School resumes 1/6)
-Flu vaccination proof is required and due by January 6th
Next week in 3K, we will be learning about “exploring trees”.
Monday: Are there trees next to our playground?
Tuesday: Can you count how many trees you see? (Display a photo with three trees.)
Wednesday: NO SCHOOL
Thursday: NO SCHOOL-Happy Thanksgiving
-12/6 Christmas Fair:Shopping Time 9:45-10:25 am
-12/9 12pm Dismissal for 3K due to Parent Teacher Conferences (Please return sign up sheet. If you need a phone conference, please let me know.)
- 12/20 Breakfast with Santa & Optional Red and Green Dress Down: $2 donation
No SCHOOL: 12/23, 12/24,12/25, 12/26,12/27,12/30, 12/31, 1/1, 1/2, &1/3 (School resumes 1/6)
-Flu vaccination proof is required and due by January 6th
Dress Down Reminders:
11/20 Optional $2 Purple Dress Down Day: Pancreatic Cancer
11/22 Optional $2 Scratch off Dress Down Day for Christmas Fair
Next week in 3K, we will be learning about “sports” and starting our Tree Study.
Monday:What sport do you like to play?
Tuesday: How do people use this ball? (Display a yoga or weighted ball.)
Wednesday: What is something you learned during our study of balls?
Thursday: What is something you learned during our study of balls?
Friday: Did you see a tree on the way to school today?
-11/18-12/2 Toys for Tots: new unwrapped toys will be collected
-11//19-11/22 Thanksgiving Food Drive
-11/20 Optional $2 Purple Dress Down Day: Pancreatic Cancer
-11/27-11/29 NO SCHOOL-Happy Thanksgiving
-Flu vaccination proof is required and due by January 6th
Next week in 3K, we will be learning about “rolling balls”.
Tuesday: How can you roll a ball on this? (Display a small ball and ramp.)
Wednesday:How far can this ball roll? (Display a golf ball.)
Thursday:What happens when you blow on this ball? (Display a table tennis ball.)
Friday:How can you use this ball? (Display a playground ball.)
*Please return the Mystery Reader form (if you are interested).
-11/11 Veterans Day: NO SCHOOL
-11/13 Picture Re-Take Day
-11/14 Fall Clothing Drive 7:30-12pm
-11/15 3K Parent/Family Engagement Event at 1:15pm. Please return the RSVP.
-11/20 Optional $2 Purple Dress Down Day: Pancreatic Cancer
-11/27-11/29 NO SCHOOL-Happy Thanksgiving
-Flu vaccination proof is required and due by January 6th
*Please continue to practice taking off and on coats/jackets independently. The children are very proud of themselves!
Next week in 3K, we will be learning about “bouncing balls” .
Monday:What can you do with this ball? (Display a bouncy ball.)
Tuesday: NO SCHOOL
Wednesday: Does this ball bounce? (Display a basketball.)
Thursday: Which ball is heavier? (Display a heavy ball and a light ball.)
Friday: Does this ball roll? (Display a playground ball.)
-11/5 NO SCHOOL for 3K & PKFA: Teacher & Assistant Professional Development Day
-11/8 Scholastic Book orders are due online using our class code XN826
-11/8 Thanksgiving Pie orders are due
-11/11 Veterans Day: NO SCHOOL
-11/13 Picture Re-Take Day
-11/15 3K Parent/Family Engagement Event at 1:15pm. Please return the RSVP.
-11/20 Optional $2 Purple Dress Down Day: Pancreatic Cancer
-11/27-11/29 NO SCHOOL-Happy Thanksgiving
-Flu vaccination proof is required and due by January 6th
*Please continue to practice taking off and on coats/jackets independently. The children are very proud of themselves!
Next week, in 3K we will be learning about “Types of Balls”
Monday: What do we want to find out about balls?
Tuesday:What is your favorite ball in the collection?
Wednesday: Which ball is bigger? (Display a tennis ball and a volleyball.)
Thursday: What is this ball made of? (Display a rubber playground ball.)
Friday: What do you think is inside this ball? (Display a tennis ball.)
-Please accept the invitation to join our class communication app.
-October 29th Optional $2 National First Responder Day/Tunnel to Tower-Dress in First Responder logo clothing and/or Red, White & Blue (Please cash in a labeled envelope.)
-October 31 TRUNK or TREAT. Students may dress in a costume or halloween colors. Please be mindful of your child using the restroom throughout the day. Trunk or Treat is for students only.
* Please help to foster independence when completing self-care tasks. Practice taking on and off coats/jackets independently. (Zippering will be the next step!)
*Please check your emails for an invitation to join our class communication app (Smart Teach-Teaching Strategies) .If you need an additional email address or cell phone connected, please let me know.
Next week in 3K, we will be starting our “Ball Study”.
Monday: Can we make sounds with this? (Display an empty container.)
Tuesday: NO SCHOOL or Teacher Conference Day
Wednesday: Do you know what this is? (Display a playground ball.)
Thursday: What kind of ball is this? (Display a basketball.)
Friday: How do you play with this ball? (Display a playground ball.)
-October 29th Optional $2 National First Responder Day/Tunnel to Tower-Dress in First Responder logo clothing and/or Red, White & Blue (Please cash in a labeled envelope.)
-October 31 TRUNK or TREAT. Students may dress in a costume or halloween colors. Please be mindful of your child using the restroom throughout the day. Trunk or Treat is for students only. Please return the permission slip! Please consider sending in a $5 donation and a large bag of nut free candy by October 25th.
Next week in 3K, we will be learning about “sounds at school”
Monday: October 14th NO SCHOOL for Columbus Day
Tuesday: Do you know what sound this makes?
Wednesday: Which one do you think makes a louder sound? (a crying baby and a fire truck.)
Thursday: Does this make a sound? (Display a picture of an animal)
Friday: Does this make a sound? (Display a picture of an animal) *Event at 1:15
-October 18th 3K Family Engagement Event at 1:15pm
-October 18th Optional Halloween Cookie forms are due
-October 18th Trunk or Treat Car Registration forms are due
-October 22nd NO SCHOOL for Teacher Conference Day
-October 29th Optional $2 National First Responder Day/Tunnel to Tower-Dress in First Responder logo clothing and/or Red, White & Blue (Please cash in a labeled envelope.)
-October 31 TRUNK or TREAT. Students may dress in a costume or halloween colors. Please be mindful of your child using the restroom throughout the day. Trunk or Treat is for students only. Please return the permission slip! Please consider sending in a $5 donation and a large bag of nut free candy by October 25th.
Reminder: Tomorrow, October 9th is an optional $2 Pink Dress Down (Place cash in a labeled envelope.)__________________________________________________________________________________
*Reminder: Class Parent volunteers are needed. Please submit the tear off from the handout distributed earlier in the week by Monday, October 7th. Names will be randomly selected during our STSRSAPO meeting in the gym on Monday, October 7th at 7:30pm. Thank you!
Next week in 3K, we will be learning about “friends in school”.
Monday: Would you like to play with this truck? (Display a toy truck.)
Tuesday:Can you name a friend you have at school?
Wednesday: What do you like to do with your friends?
Thursday: Which book would you like to read today? (Display two books about friendship.)
Friday: What should you do when you and a friend want the same toy? (Offer two choices: “scream” and “take turns.”)
* Please complete & return ASQ-3 & ASQ-SE screenings, if you haven’t already done so.
-October 7th STSRSAPO Parent Meeting at 7:30pm (Return Class parent form if interested)
-October 8th Place all Scholastic book orders online using class code: XN826
-October 9th is an optional $2 Pink Dress Down (Place cash in a labeled envelope.)
-October 14th NO SCHOOL for Columbus Day
-October 18th 3K Family Engagement Event at 1:15pm Please return the RSVP.
-October 18th Optional Halloween Cookie forms are due
-October 18th Trunk or Treat Car Registration forms are due
-October 22nd NO SCHOOL for Teacher Conference Day
-October 29th Optional $2 National First Responder Day/Tunnel to Tower-Dress in First Responder logo clothing and/or Red, White & Blue (Please cash in a labeled envelope.)
-October 31 TRUNK or TREAT Students may dress in a costume or halloween colors. Please be mindful of your child using the restroom throughout the day. Trunk or Treat is for students only. Please return the permission slip! Please consider sending in a $5 donation and a large bag of nut free candy by October 25th.
Reminders:-Tomorrow, 10/4 is Picture Day. Students are to wear their full school winter uniform. (sweatpants, short sleeve/long sleeve blue tee-shirt, sweatshirt if needed and white velcro sneakers). Please return order forms, if you haven’t already done so.
*Make-up day is November 13th
Next week in 3K, we will be learning about “Our Schedule” & “School Workers”.
Monday: What do we do when we first get to school?
Tuesday:What do you think this book is about? (Kevin and His Dad.)
Wednesday: Have you seen this person at our school? (school worker.)
Thursday: Does this man go to our school? ( picture of the Gingerbread Man.)
Friday: Where did the Gingerbread Man go?
-October 4th is Picture Day. (*Students are to wear their full winter uniform*) You can return the order forms to school or place orders online.
-October 7th STSRSAPO Parent Meeting at 7:30pm
-October 9th is an optional $2 Pink Dress Down (Place cash in a labeled envelope.)
-October 14th NO SCHOOL for Columbus Day
-October 18th 3K Family Engagement Event at 1:15pm Please return the RSVP.
-October 18th TRUNK or Treat Car Registration forms are due
-October 22nd NO SCHOOL for Teacher Conference Day
-October 31 TRUNK or TREAT Students may dress in a costume or halloween colors. Please be mindful of your child using the restroom throughout the day. Trunk or Treat is for students only. Please return the permission slip! Please consider sending in a $5 donation and a large bag of nut free candy by October 25th.
Next week in 3k, we will be learning about “school rules” & “our schedule”.
Monday: Can you name one of our classroom rules?
Tuesday: How many fingers are on your hand: two or five?
Wednesday: Have you ever seen someone ________?
Thursday:What do you do when you get to school?
Friday: What do you do after you wake up in the morning?
-Monday, 9/23 is an optional $2 Autumn Dress Down. Please place cash in a labeled envelope.
*Your child may bring a small stuffed animal for rest time. Please label with your child’s name.
Please check your child's folder for an important form that needs to be signed. Please return to school! Thank you!9/13
Next week in 3K, we will be learning about “feelings” & “school rules”.
Monday: Have you ever felt sad?
Tuesday: Have you ever felt scared?
Wednesday: What makes you feel happy?
Thursday: Do we run in our classroom?
Friday: What rules should we have in our classroom?
-Please return the “Income” form to help support our school with funding. This information will not be shared with anyone.
-Please complete the Home Language Questionnaire and return to school by 9/16.
Home Language Questionnaire is being sent home today. Please complete and return to school by Monday, September 16th.9/8
This week in 3K we will be learning, "What names do we need to know at school?":*There will be an optional $2 dress down on Wednesday 9/11-Red, White, and/or Blue for Patriot's Day. (Money should be sent in an envelope labeled with your child's name.)
*Please check our class website daily for reminders and updates. Class Page: 3K Green
We will be using a communication app called “Teaching Strategies”. However, we are waiting for our class to be set up. Through the app you receive pictures and announcements. Once it is up and running, I will inform you.
Please free to email with any questions or concerns. [email protected]
-Please send in all supplies needed for your child.
-Please send in items from our “Wish List”.
-Please complete the “Getting to Know Your Child” form and return to school.
-Back to School Night is Monday, 9/9 at 7pm. (Welcome letter and important forms will be distributed)
-Please check your child's folder for the form "Getting to Know Your Child". Please complete and return to school. Thank you!
Welcome to 3K GREEN:
Supplies needed for 3K:
1. Folder
2. Backpack (**large enough to fit the folder & lunchbox)
3. Marble Notebook
4. Fitted crib sheet (No Sleeping Bags)
5. Flat crib sheet or small blanket
(“Nappers” are recommend in place of crib sheet & blanket)
6. 4x6 Family Photo
7. Change of clothing (shirt, socks, two pairs of underwear, and pull on pants) placed in a gallon zip lock bag.
8. A filled reusable water bottle to be sent in each day
(Please label everything with your child’s name.)
Classroom Wish List
Please help make our wishes come true by donating any of these items to our class.
-paper towels
-tissue boxes
-zip lock bags (any size)
-cleaning wipes
-hand wipes
-disinfectant spray
-dry erase markers