Wish List
-Paper Towels
Week of 4/28/24
This week we will be finishijng up our wheels unit: How do we use wheels? How do they help us?
Monday: Which one of these can you roll the fastest?
Tuesday: How many jumping jacks can you do?
Wednesday: How can you pick up these books? + Spring Fair (9:55-10:25am)
Thursday: Wheels start with a Ww. Can you find something in the classroom that starts with a Ww?
Friday: What did we learn about wheels? + Grandparents Day
*Wednesday -Spring Fair (9:55-10:25) All PKFA students should have an adult to walk around with them at the Spring Fair.
Friday-*Grandparents/Special Relatives Day*:
Session 1: Surnames A-E (8:45-9:30am)
Session 2: Surnames F-M (9:50-10:35am)
Session 3: Surnames N-Z (10:55-11:40am)
Week of 4/22/24
This week we will start our second investigation of wheels: What different types of wheels are there?
Monday: Have you ever went to a bike shop? Earth Day Dress Down ($2 scratch off donation)
Tuesday: Can you make a wheel out of this? (round object)
Wednesday: How do you think this object moves? (wind turbine)
Thursday: Where do you see a wheel? (Pulley)
Friday: What wheel is the biggest? - Autism Blue $2 Dress Down + Family Engagement at 1:15pm
Next week we will continue our Wheels Unit - What different types of wheels are there?
Monday: How did you get to school today?
Tuesday: What wheels did you see after school yesterday?
Wednesday: What is your favorite instrument in music/movement? (wheels for play)
Thursday: What do you use this for? (Pizza wheel/cutter)
Friday: How can you make this move? (Wheel from a construction set)
Tuesday, 4/16/2024 - $2 green dress down for "Jar of Hope"
School resumes on Monday, 4/8.
Enjoy your break!
When we return to school, we will begin our unit on “Wheels”. As we study wheels, your children will learn concepts and skills in language and literacy, math, science, social studies, and the arts. They will be using thinking skills to invetigate, ask questions, solve problems, make predictions, and test out ideas.
Monday: Can you roll this? (Display a ball.)
Tuesday: Where can I find this toy? (Display a toy car.)
Wednesday: What have you seen with wheels this morning?
Thursday: What kind of wheel can you draw? (Display a large sheet of paper for the children to use to draw wheels.)
Friday: Do you know what this is? (Display a picture of a bicycle.)
-Spring Clothing Drive is on Thursday, 4/11 7:30am-12pm