Happy Monday! -
~NY1.RF.3 I can apply phonics and word analysis skills while decoding grade level words.
NY1.R.2 I can identify the main idea and rell a text.
NY1.R.5 I can identify differences between literary texts and informational texts. (fiction and nonfiction)
NY1.W.3 I can write narratives shich recount real or imagined experiences or events or a short sequence of events. (retell a text)
NY1W.7 I can recall and represent information or gather information from a number of "how to" books to answer a question and write a sequence of instructions.
NY1.W.8 I can remember what I have been taught to answer a question.
NY1.OA.2 I can solve word problems using 3 whole numbers to 20.
NY1.OA.3 I can use the commutatiive property of addition ( turn arounds)
NY1.OA.4 I can use ana ddition fact to help me answer a subtraction problem. (related fact families)
NY1.OA.8 I can find the missing addend in a basic math fact.
Spelling words for this week. - these will not be tested....
(Heart words - Words that we know by heart - non negotiable words)
1. his 6.come
2.has 7.done
3.have 8. could
4.give 9. would
5.some 10. cold 1.ELA/phonics: C-book - Heading - Write your old spelling words from last week (that you will be tested on tomorrow) numbers: 11-15 four times each. Then create a sentence for each word. 2. Math - complete the math worksheet - ( find the missing addend - fact families - reinforcement for upcoming assessment.) - Please see tips for parents! 3.Study for Spelling test tomorrow - Last weeks words - please see above. - #1 - 15 - thank you - Read for 20 minutes ...loud and proud -
~Study for Spelling test - tomorrow - ( last week's words #1 - 15)
~Christmas Fair - Friday, December 8th - First grade schedule: 9:00 - 9:40 - *********Complimentary Christmas Dress Down Day! - you may wear green or red dress down colors - or the Christmas T-shirt that you purchased this year.
~**********************Upcoming Math Assessment: Please review and reinforce - our math strategies for our test - on Thursday, Nov. 7th.....
Review: basic math facts -within 20....Multiple choice ...fill in the blanks....Place Value..Tens and Ones...Review what a Tower of ten is - will be able to draw a tower of ten for you. How can you show a number different ways: using tally marks....dimes and pennies...Expanded Form (Stretch Out Steve) The students will be able to show you these problems in our C-book - within our morning messages. - Turn arounds - and be able to create their own Word Problems.....Please have them practice - study and review. Students should know all basic facts to memorization. - thank you for your reinforcement. -
~Italian - tomorrow -
~Iggy Peck, Architect STREAM project: please refer back to HW. post from Monday, November 20th.....see all details - Due Date: Friday, Dec. 8th....
~CYO Christmas Card Contest: please see flyer that was sent home: all directions are in detail on the flyer - No glitter / no lights permitted Due Back: December 13th......Mrs. Arena - Art Teacher - thank you!
~...thank you for all that you do......prayers for those in need and for all around the world. - Keeping their families in our thoughts and prayers for some sort of comfort and peace. Happy reading and enjoy your night - Ms. Borik -
Homework for Tuesday, December 5th....2023
"Happy Tuesday! - "For our problems are large, but our heart is larger. Our challenges are great, but our will is greater." - unknown...
NGLS: see above... 1.ELA/phonics: C-book - Heading...Write your spelling words # 1-3 four times each. (yesterday's words ) Then create a sentence for each of these words...- these words will not be tested.
**************Please use one more night to study for our spelling test of last week's words # 1-15. I will give the test tomorrow .*************** 2.Math - complete the worksheet - find the missing addend. 3. Study for spelling test - rescheduled...Read 20 minutes --loud and proud.
~Study for spelling test - tomorrow - last week's words- #1 - 15
~Christmas Fair - Friday, December 8th - first grade schedule - 9:00 - 9:40 - Complimentary Christmas Dress Down Day - they may wear red or green - or you purchased Christmas T-shirt -
~Math Assessment - Thursday, December 7th....please see review above....
~Art - tomorrow -
~CYO Christmas Contest - Due date - Dec. 13th...Ms. Arena - please see flyer that was sent home.
~Iggy Peck, Architect - please see HW.post from Monday, Nov. 20th - Due Date Friday, December 8th....
....thank you for all that you do......prayers for those in need...and especially prayers for the families around the world. - keeping them close to your heart... - enjoy your night - thank you again - Ms. Borik -
Homework for Wednesday, December 6th...2023
"Happy Wednesday!" - "Let my soul, smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes." - unknown
NGLS: see above.... 1.ELA/phonics: C-book - Heading - Write your spelling words four times each and then create a sentence for each word. # - 4-6 - (these spelling words will not be tested this week) We took our spelling test today with words from last week. 2. Math - Please study for our assessment tomorrow. Please see the review from Monday, December 4th... 3. Read for 30 minutes...... loud and proud....! Reminders:
~ Christmas fair - Friday, December 8th.....first grade schedule from 9:00 - 9:40 - Complimentary Dress Down Day - they may wear red or green Christmas colors or your purchased Christmas STSR STREAM T-shirt.
~Gym tomorrow -
~CYO Christmas Contest -Due Date: Dec. 13th.... - Mrs. Arena - please see the flyer that was sent home.
~Iggy Peck, Architect - please see HW. post from Monday, Nov. 20th - Due Date - Friday, Dec. 8th...
....thank you for all that you do......prayers for those in need and for all families that are in need of comfort and peace and this time. Keep them close to your heart.... enjoy your night - thank you again - Ms. Borik -
Homework for Thursday, December 7th....2023 "Happy Thursday!" - "a perfect day is when the soul smiles.... take time everyday to do what makes your soul smile..." -untold stories.. NGLS: see above... 1.ELA/phonics - C-book - Heading - Write your spelling words # 7- 10 four times each. Then create a sentence for each spelling word. 2. Read for 20 minutes........ loud and proud!! - Have your child read out loud to you - encourage them to read to you...!! They can do it!!! ~Reminders:
~There will not be a spelling test tomorrow -
~Christmas Fair- tomorrow - Friday, December 8th...first grade schedule from 9:00 - 9:40 - Complimentary Dress Down Day - students may wear green or red or they may wear the purchased Christmas T-shirt from STSR Stream academy.
~CYO Christmas Contest - Due Date: Dec. 13th....please see flyer that was sent home - Mrs. Arena - Art teacher.
~Iggy Peck, Architect - STREAM project - Friday, Dec. 8th...please see HW. post from Monday, Nov. 20th.....
~.....thank you for all that you do..... prayers for those in need......especially for all families around the world...keeping them close to your heart - for them to find some sort of comfort and peace. - enjoy your night....Ms. Borik -
Homework for Thursday, December 8th...2023
"Happy Friday!" - '..there is no place in my soul, no corner of my character where God is not..." - unknown -
NGLS: see above....
~ CYO Christmas Contest - Due Date: Dec. 13th...please see flyer that was sent home - Mrs. Arena - Art Teacher - thank you -
~STREAM on Monday....
~12:00 Dismissal for Friday, December 15th.....(11:55) for K and First grade)
~********** Read for 20 minutes with your child - encourage your child to read to you as you relax and enjoy a great read! - - 20 minutes...loud and proud...!! - choose a book about what interests them...!! Read....then read again .....then read some more!!!
~....thank you for all that you do....... prayers for all those in need...and especially for all families that are in need of comfort and peace each and everyday.... - keep them close to your heart.....thank you again for your reinforcement and review... - enjoy your weekend - love, Ms. Borik - Homework for Monday, December 11th....2023 "Happy Monday!" - "Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all the darkness..." - unknown -
NGLS: see above and .....
additional -
NY.1.OA.2 I can solve word problems using 3 whole #'s to 20.
NY1.OA.3 I can use the commutatiive property of addition (turn arounds)
NY.1.OA.4 I can use an addition fact to help me answer a subtraction problem.
NY1.OA.7 I can determine if both sides of an equation are equal or not equal -
NY1.W.8 I can remember what I have been taught to answer a question.
NY1.R. 5 I can identify differences between literary texts and informational texts. (fact and fiction)
1.ELA/Phonics: C-book - Heading - Write your spelling words # 1-3 five times each. Then create a sentence for each spelling word.
Spelling Words:
1.his 6.come
2.has 7.done
3.have 8. could
4.give 9. would
5.some 10.all
Focus: Heart words: Words we know by heart. 2.Math - See Parent tips and complete the worksheet - 3. Readworks.org - Class Code: S2RXQL password: 1234 Assignment: Where is Mexico? - ************Please refer back to assignment from November: Wipe That Rain Away! - many of you did not submit - as this is now past due. Reminders:
~****************CYO Christmas Art Contest: Due Date: Wednesday, Dec. 13th......Please follow all instructions that are needed on the back of the art work. - thank you ***************
~Italian: tomorrow.....
~12:00 dismissal for Friday, December 15th....(11:55 for K and 1st grade)
~Read for 20 minutes..... loud and proud...encourage your child to read to you to as you relax and enjoy a great read. 20 minutes....loud and proud.... - choose a good book that interests them. Read .....then read again....then read some more.
....thank you for all that you do......prayers for all those in need and especially for all families that are in need at this time. Please keep them close to your heart...thank you for your review and reinforcement on a daily basis. Please review all basic math facts to memorization and review all math skills...to keep fresh in their minds. - thank you again - enjoy your night - Ms. Borik -
Homework for Thursday, December 14th....2023
"Happy Thursday!" -
NGLS: see above... 1.ELA/Phonics: C-book - Heading - Write your spelling words #7 - 10 four times each. Then create a sentence for each word. 2.Math - complete the sheet - 3. Readworks.org - Class Code: S2RXQL password: 1234 Assignment: Where Is Iceland ? Reminders:
~12:00 dismissal - (11: 55) for K and First grade... - Friday, December 15th....
~CYO Christmas Art Contest - please send in if you have not done so - as this is now past due.
~School Spirit Day - Monday, December 18th....!!
...thank you for all that you do....prayers for all those in need...especially for all families around the world for them to find some sort of peace and comfort...Keep them close to your heart...thank you again - enjoy your night! - love, Ms. Borik -
Homework for Monday, December 18th....2023
"Happy December!" - "Try to be a rainbow in someone else's cloud..." - Maya Angelou NGLS:
1.RF.3 I can apply phonics and word analysis skills and decoding grade level words.
1.R.2 I can identify the main idea and retell a text.
1.R.5 I can identify differences between literary texts and informational texts.(fiction and nonfiction)
NY1.W.3 I can write narratives which recount real or imagined experiences or events or a short sequence of events.
NY1.W.7 I can recall and represent informational or gather information from a number of "how to" books to answer a question and write a sequence of instructions.
NY1.W.8 I can remember what I have been taught to answer a question.
NY1.OA.2 I can solve word problems using whole 3 numbers to 20.
NY1.OA.3 I can use the commutative property of addtion to turn around subtraction problems (related facts)
NY1.OA.4 I can use an addition fact to help me answer a subtraction problem (related facts)
NY.1.OA.8 I can find the missing addends in a basic math fact.
1.ELA/Writing: - Please complete the worksheet - that is in their H-folder - and complete.
*************Spelling test: rescheduled for tomorrow - - Please see Monday, December 11th's words - #1 - 10 - - Spelling test - Tuesday, December 19th.... Please study for tomorrow's spelling test - 2.Math - log onto Seesaw - complete the two assignments for today - Fact familes (number bonds) and Fluency practice in subtraction.... 3. Read for 20 minutes....... loud and proud...! ~Reminders: ~Rescheduled Spelling test: Tuesday, December 19th....see last week's words # 1- 10 ( see HW post from December 11th)
~Friday, Dec. 22nd - $2.00 red and green dress down day!
~Friday, Dec. 22nd Breakfast with Santa! ~Italian - tomorrow -
~Catapult ELA/Math - and Drama - will continue its regular scheduled time - as we move forward into the new year.
~Catapult STEM has been completed - Last class was Dec.13th - Look for new session...more info to follow.
~No Girl Scouts - on Dec. 21st...will resume Jan 4th...
************Friday, Dec. 22nd - Provide a little extra snack and drink to eat while we enjoy a Christmas movie and Christmas music for Friday afternoon!****************************************** - thank you -
.....thank you for all that you do....prayers for those in need...for all around the world and for their families...to find some sort of comfort and peace...enjoy your night...love, Ms. Borik -
Homework for Tuesday, December 19th...2023
"Happy Tuesday!" - "Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart..." -confucious....
NGLS: see above...
1. ELA/Writing: complete the worksheet -
2.Math: log onto Seesaw - complete the Fact Families Christmas Tree activity.
3. Read for 20 minutes...... loud and proud....!
~Friday, December 22nd - $2.00 Red and green Dress Down day!
~Friday, December 22nd - Breakfast with Santa
~Art - Wednesday!
~Catapult- ELA and Math - (mondays) and Drama will continue its regular scheduled time as we move forward into the new year.
~Catapult STEM has been completed. Last class was Dec. 13th...Look for Flyer that was sent home today for registration for new sessions.
~No Girl Scouts on December 21st... - will resume on January 4th
~Friday, Dec. 22nd - please provide a little extra snack and drink to eat while we enjoy a Christmas movie and Christmas music for Friday afternoon.
.....thank you for all that you do......prayers for all those in need.....please keep prayers and your thoughts close to your heart for families around the world - who need to find some sort of peace and comfort.....enjoy your night - love, Ms. Borik -
Homework for Wednesday, December 20th....2023
"Happy Wednesday! - "Fall seven times, stand up eight.." Japanese proverb...
NGLS: see above... 1.ELA/Writing: Complete the worksheets - Naming and action parts of a sentence. - 2. Math - Log onto Seesaw - Enjoy - complete the Gingerbread Fact Families. - Please complete and submit all outstanding assignments from the last two days - as these are now past due... 3. Read for 20 minutes....... loud and proud.....!!!
~Friday, December 22nd - $2.00 red and green dress down day!
~Friday, December 22nd Breakfast with Santa.
~Thursday - Gym !
~Catapult ELA/math and Drama will continue its regular scheduled time as we move forward into the new year.
~Catapult Stem has been completed - the last class was December 13th... - Look out for new session -See and register with new flyer that was sent home yesterday!!
~No Girl Scouts on December 21st.... - will resume on January 4th...
~Friday, December 22nd - Provide a little extra snack and drink to eat while we enjoy a Christmas movie and Christmas music for Friday afternoon.
.......thank you for all that you do...thank you for reinforcing all ELA strategies and basic math facts as well as strategies. Prayers for those in need. Prayers for those families around the world -who need to find some sort of comfort and peace in their lives... keep them close to your heart. Enjoy your night.....love, Ms. Borik -
Homework for Thursday, December 21st...2023
"Happy Thursday!" - "..not every choice is going to be the right one, but it's the wrong choices that teach you the most...."love2know... 1.ELA/Writing: complete the worksheets - Focus: the naming parts and the action parts of a sentence. 2.Math - enjoy! - review all basic math facts to memorization ! 3. Read for 20 minutes....... loud and proud.....!!
~Friday, December 22nd.....$2.00 red and green dress down day!
~Friday, December 22nd.....Breakfast with Santa !
~Friday, December 22nd....provide a little extra snack and drink to enjoy while we enjoy a Christmas movie and Christmas music for Friday afternoon.
~Catapult ELA/Math and Drama will continue its regular scheduled time as we move forward into the new year.
~Catapult STEM has been completed - the last class was December 13th - Look out for the new session ...see and register with new flyer that was sent home.
~...thank you for all that you do.....prayers for those in need and for all families that need to find some sort of comfort and peace at this time around the world - keep them close to your heart - enjoy your night - love, Ms. Borik -
Friday, December 22nd .....2023....
....I want to wish you a very Merry, Blessed Christmas and a very Happy New Year...to you and your families.... ~ enjoy this special time and be present in each and every moment...~merry and happy, happy wishes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - love, Ms. Borik -