Happy December!
Monday, December 4, 2023
1. Math - review the divisibility rules/complete chart in notebook
quiz on 12 times tables on Friday
2. Spelling - page 19 due Thursday/quiz on Friday
3. ELA - Finish progress workbook pages 30-34
4. SS - finish page 62/test on Thursday
Reminders for the rest of the week:
Tues., Dec. 5 - Test on The Lion, the Witch and thw Wadrobe
Thurs., Dec. 7- SS Test Chapter 2
Fri., Dec. 8 - Spelling Quiz
Christmas Fair
Complimentary Dress Down
School Mass at 1pm
Please remeber to bring gifts for the residents in the nursing home.
Enjoy the rest of your day!
As you already know the 4th and 5th graders will be putting on the Living Nativity on Friday, Dec. 15. The 4th graders will need to wear a solid red or green top or blouse with black pants or a skirt as well as black shoes. Any questions about the Living Nativity do not hesitate to contact me.
Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2023
1. Spelling - page 19 due Thursday/quiz on Friday
2. ELA - finish Progress workbook pages 36 - 38
3. SS - finish text page 63 - Facts and Main Ideas/test on Thursday
4. Math - 2 ixl assignments on divisibility rules
5. Sign and return tests in test folder by tomoorow
See above for reminders!
Enjoy the rest of your day!
Wednesday, Dec.6, 2023
1. Spelling - page 19 due tomorrow/quiz on Friday
2. ELA - read story 1 on worksheet - in notebook please write the theme and three supporting details to support your theme
3. Math - workbook page 319
4. SS - study for test tomorrow chapter 2
See above for test schedule and reminders!
Enjoy the rest of your day.
December 7, 2023
1. Math - ixl assignment/study 12 times tables
2. Spelling - quiz tomorrow
3. ELA - finish worksheet on themes - cite evidence
4. Science - finish read works
Tomorrow is The Christmas Fair and a complimentary dress down. Our class will be attending the Christmas Fair at 9:45 - 10:25 am. Please join us!
Friday, Dec. 8, 2023
No written homework!
1. Sign and return permission slip for trip to Cloves Lakes Rehab Center on 12/19/2023 by Monday, 12/11.
Reminders for next week:
Wednesday, 12/13 - Art Contest Posters due
Thursday, 12/14 - Living Nativity Dress Reharsal at 1pm
Friday, 12/15 - 1/2 day - Noon dismissal
Living Nativity Performance @ 7pm - Please arrive by 6:30 pm
Students must wear a solid green or red shirt with black bottoms and shoes.
Have a great weekend!
Monday, Dec. 11, 2023
1. ELA - ixl assignment on main and helping verbs
2. Math - workbook p. 325 #2-9
3. Science - finish readworks if you need to
4. Spelling - page 21 due Thursday/quiz on Friday
Reminders for the week:
The permission slip for the trip to the nursing home was due today. If you did not sign and return it yet, please so it as soon as possible. Thank you!
Wednesday, 12/13 - CYO Art entries due
Thursday, 12/14 - Living Nativity Dress Rehersak at 1 p m in the church - Students need to wear or bring their school sweatshirt to wear.
Progress Reports go home
Friday, 12/15 - Noon dismissal for grades K-8
Living Nativity in the Church at 7pm - All are welcome! - Please arrive by 6:30 pm. We will be meeting in our classroom.
Students need to wear a solid red or green shirt with black bottoms and black shoes.
Spelling Quiz
Reminders and Schedule for week of 12/18:
Monday, 12/18 -Trip to the movies
School Spirit Day!
Tuesday, 12/19 - Trip to nursing home - Students may wear their gym uniform.
Math Quiz
Wednesday, 12/20 - Science Test - Unit 1.2
Thursday, 12/21 - Grammar Test on Verbs
Friday, 12/22 - Breakfast with Santa
Enjoy the rest of your day!
Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2023
1. Math - finish any classwork you did not finish: ixl assignments, wb page 322-323, and/or worksheet
2. Spelling - page 21 due Thursday/quiz on Friday
3. Sign and return movie permission slip and payment by Fri. Dec. 15.
4. CYO art contest entry due tomorrow.
5. Sign and return tests in test folder by tomorrow.
See above for reminders.
Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2023
1. Spelling - page 21 due tomorrow/quiz on Friday
2. Finish any classwork assignments that were not completed.
Please wear or bring school sweatshirt to school tomorrow
Thursday, December 13, 2023
1. Math - workbook page 338
2. Spelling - study for quiz tomorrow
3. Sign and return permission slip for movies tomorrow. Tomorrow is the last day!
4. Sign and return progress reports by tomorrow.
5. Sign and return religion mid-term tear off sheet by Wednesday, Dec. 20.
See above for reminders and test schedule.
Enjoy the rest of your day!
Monday, December 18, 2023
1. Math - study for quiz
2. Tomorrow is our nursing home trip! Students may wear their gym uniform.
3. Sign and return religion mid-term tear off sheet by Wednesday, 12/20.
Reminders for the rest of the week:
Wednesday, 12/20 - Science Test Unit 1.2
Thursday, 12/21 - Grammar Test on Verbs
Friday, 12/22 - Breakfast with Santa
$2 Red and Green Christmas Dress Down
Tuesday, December 19, 2023
1. Science - study for test on unit 1.2
2. Grammar - study for test on Thursday on Verbs - Unit 3
3. Sign and return religion mid-term notification sheet by tomorrow.
See above for reminders for the rest of the week!
Enjoy the rest of your day!
Thank you all for the generous and thoughtful class gift. It is very much appreciated!
Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2023
1. Grammar - study unit 3 - verbs for test tomorrow
2. SS - finish read works from class if you need to
Enjoy the rest of your day and thanks again for the generous Christmas present.
Thursday, Dec. 21, 2023
No written homework!
Tomorrow is a $2 Christmas Dress Down and our Breakfast with Santa.
We will be watching a Christmas movie in the afternnoon. Children may bring an extra snack if they would like too.
The mid-term study guide will be posted on google classroom tomorrow.
Thanks again for the generous Christmas presents. Enjoy your vacation.
Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year to all!