"Happy Thursday! Happy February!! - " February is short and sweet" - unknown...
NGLS: see above...
1.ELA/Writing: C-book - Heading - Write your spelling words 5 times each. Then create a sentence using that word....#10-15
2. Math - Equal on both sides of the equal sign! We have been doing this standard for a while now - I may use these problems as an upcoming Exit ticket ! - (hint)
3. Readworks.org - Class Code: S2RXQL -password: 1234
Assignment: What Is A Bill? -
~Study for Spelling test: Friday, February 2nd...
~School Spirit Wear - has been extended - order now!!
~CSW: See Schedule- Friday, February 2nd - Parent Appreciation Day - thank you for your commitment and support of our school ! - Visit: 8:45-9:15 Reception to follow: 9:15-10:30 - - - Student Sports Dress Down/Souper Bowl - wear your favorite sports team or your own current team that you are committed to and bring a can of soup for our Souper Bowl.~ ~ Movie afternoon - Special read aloud by Mrs. Fresca !
~Read for 30 minutes .....loud and proud....!
~Scholastic Book Order: Class Code: VC8V4 Due Date: February 7th...
~......thank you for all that you do....prayers for those in need....and for the families that are in need of peace, comfort and compassion at this time. Keep them in your prayers and close to your heart...enjoy your night!! - love, Ms. Borik-
Homework for Friday, February 2nd....2024~
"Happy Friday!" - "...every morning is a fresh start. Embrace the possibilites of today with open arms and positive mindset...!" -unknown
NGLS: see above....
~Study for Spelling test - Friday, February 2nd.....
~School Spirit Wear - has been extended order now!
~ ***********Thank you for making this day such a wonderful experience for the children. It was so nice to be able to celebrate Catholic School Week with you and it was a great way to end the week!!***************
~Read for 30 minutes...... loud and proud.....!!
~Scholastic Book order: Class Code: VC8V4 - Thank you for your order if you already have done so....Due Date: Wednesday, February 7th...
~Chocolate Fundraiser: January 17th - February 7th....
~School Spirit Day - Monday, February 5th...
~Friday, February 9th...11:00 dismissal (10:55 for Kindergarten and 1st grade.
~Tuesday, February 13th... - 100 Days of School Celebration! - see flyer that was sent home yesterday!!! (Thurs. Feb. 1st )
~Father/Daughter Dance: Form and payments due by February 8th...
....thank you for all that you do.....prayers for those in need and especially for all families that need love, comfort and peace at this time all around the world. Please keep them close to your heart and in your thoughts. Enjoy your weekend....! love, Ms. Borik -
Monday, February 5th....2024
"Happy Monday!" "...you have within you more love than you could ever understand... - rumi
~NY1.RF.3 I can apply phonics word analysis skills and decoding grade level words.
NY1.R.2 I can identify the main idea and retell a text.
NY1.R.5 I can identify differences between literary texts and informational text. (fiction and nonfiction)
NY1.W.3 I can write a narrative or short sequence of events.
NY1.W.7 I can recall and represent info from an # of how to books to answer Q and A.
NY.1.W.8 I can remember what I have been taught to answer a question.
NY1.OA.2 I can solve word problems using whole 3 #'s to 20.
NY1.OA.3 I can use the commutative property of adding turn arounds.
NY1.OA.4 I can use an addition fact to help me answer a subtraction problem. (related facts)
NY1.OA.7 I can make both sides of the equal sign the same -true or false.
NY1.OA.8 I can find the missing addend in an equation.
Spelling Words:
1.face 9.shade
2.these 10. dime
3.race 11. name
4.ate 12.nine
5.make 13.cave
6.bike 14.kite
7.bake 15. five
Focus: Review of silent e words !
1.ELA/Writing/Phonics: C-book - Heading - Write your spelling words 5 times each. Then create a sentence for each word. #1-5 -
2.Math: complete the sheet - make both sides of the equal sign the same.
3. Raz-kids: Log on and complete and submit the assignment. - Then level up and have fun!!!
~Study for Spelling test: Friday, February 9th...
~Chocolate Fundraiser: January 17th...through February 7th
~Friday, February 9th.....11:00 dismissal (10:55 for K and 1st grade)
~Tuesday, February 13th - 100 days of school celebration - See flyer that was sent home on February 1st....
~Father/Daughter Dance: Form and payments due by Thurs. February 8th...
~Scholastic Book Club: Class Code: VC8V4 Due Date: Last Call: - Wednesday, February 7th....
...Thank you so much for all that you do....for support and reinforcement...prayers for those in need....and for all families that need love, support, peace and compassion around the world at this time. Enjoy your night - love, Ms. Borik -
Homework for Tuesday, February 6th...2024
"Happy Tuesday!" "...we can only learn to love by loving...."unknown -
NGLS: see above...
1.ELA/Phonics/Writing: C-book - Heading: Write your spelling words #6-9 five times each. Then create a sentence for each word. -
2.Math - complete the worksheet -
3. Raz Kids: - complete the assignment then.....Level Up!! - Assignment: I Can Count 100 Things ! -
*********Dress Down for CSW Bulletin Board Contest - designated dress down day for First grade - - Wednesday, February 7th..!!!!****************************************************************
~Study for Spelling test - Friday, February 9th...
~Chocolate Fundraiser - January 17th - February 7th...
~Friday, February 9th - 11:00 dismissal - (10:55 for K and 1st grades)
~Tuesday, February 13th...100 days of school celebration - see flyer that was sent home on February 1st...
~Father/Daughter Dance: form and payments due by Thursday, February 8th...
~Scholastic Book Club - Class Code: VC8V4 - Due Date: February 7th...Last Call - - - Due Date: February 7th....
...thank you so much for all that you do.... prayers for those in need and especially for all families that need love, comfort and peace at this time around the world. - Enjoy your night - Ms. Borik -
Homework for Wednesday, February 7th...2024
"Happy Wednesday!" - "...there is no remedy for love, but to love more...." - Henry Thoreau -
NGLS: see above....
1.ELA/Writing/Phonics: C-book - Heading - Write your spelling words # 10-12 five times each. Then create a sentence for each word.
2.Math - Review all basic facts --- you can use flash cards that the students have in the smallest pocket of their backpack - or you can make your own flash cards - basic addition and subtraction and have fun !
3. Raz Kids - complete assignment and then Level Up! - have fun! - Complete the assignment: Who Runs Faster? - Also if you see a Flight Check - please complete as well - not all students will receive a Flight Check -
~Study for Friday's Spelling test: Friday, February 9th...
~Friday, February 9th....11:00 dismissal - (10:55 for K and 1st grade)
~Chocolate Fundraiser - January 17th - February 7th...
~Tuesday, February 13th...100 Days of School Celebration - see flyer that was sent home on February 1st...
~Father/Daughter Dance - Form and payments due by Thursday, February 8th....
~Scholastic Book Club : - Class Code: VC8V4 - Last Call - Due date - Today ...!!! - Last Call~~
....thank you for all that you do....prayers for those in need - and especially for families around the world that need love, hugs, peace and compassion at this time. Keep them in your prayers....enjoy your night! - love, Ms. Borik -
Homework forc Thursday, February 8th....2024
"Happy Thursday!" - "...we are each of us angels, with only one wing; and we can only fly by embracing one another..."~luciano de Crescenzo
NGLS: see above...
1.ELA/Writing/Phonics: C-book - Heading - Write your spelling words five times each. Then create a sentence using each word. #13,14 and 15.
2.Math - complete the fact families sheet -
3. Read for 30 minutes..... loud and proud....!!!
~Study for Friday's Spelling test - Friday, February 9th...
~Friday, February 9th....11:00 dismissal - (10:55 for K and 1st grade)
~Monday, February 12th - 12:00 dismissal - Optional - Parent Teacher conferences .....( 11:55 for K and 1st grade)...1:00- 2:30 -
~Tuesday, February 13th...100 Days of School Celebration - see flyer that was sent home on February 1st.....
~Read for 30 minutes...... loud and proud......!!! - read to an audience if you would like ....!!!!
...thank you for all that you do......prayers for those in need and especially for all families that need love, compassion, peace and comfort during this time around the world. Keep them in your prayers and close to your heart....enjoy your night - Ms. Borik -
Homework for Friday, February 9th...2024
"Happy Friday!
............. *****12:00 dismissal day - (11:55 for K and 1st grade) .Monday, February 12th... Parent Teacher confernces... Optional.....I will be here from 1:00 -2:30 - ***************
~Tuesday, February 13th....100 days of School celebration... - see flyer that was sent home on February 1st...
~Read for 30 minutes...... loud and proud....!!
~enjoy your weekend......thank you for all that you do....prayers for those in need and for those especially around the world who need our love, compassion, peace and hugs.......keep them close to your heart and in your prayers......enjoy your weekend.....- love, Ms. Borik -
Homework for Monday, February 12th.....2024
"Happy Monday! - "Face Everything And Rise ! - FEAR...t.tebow..."
NGLS: see above....
Spelling Words : Focus: Bossy R - the bossy r changes the sound of the other vowel.
1.farm 8.verb
2.march 9. jar
3.star 10. part
4.perch 11. dark
5.shark 12. hard
6.were 13. card
7.car 14. stern
15. bird
1. ELA/Writing/phonics: C-book - Heading - Write your spelling words #1- 4 - five times each. Then create a sentence for each spelling word.
2.Math - complete the worksheet - adding 3 numbers
3. Read for 30 minutes....... loud and proud.....!!!
~Tuesday, February 13th.....100 Days of School Celebration! - see flyer that went home on February 1st.....**********************If at all possible - if you can bring in 100 Cheerios in a zip lock bag..for some fun activities - that would be great....any other cereal will work ( just please nothing with a lot of sugar.....) Cheerios...Rice Chex....even Chex mix...or even Goldfish will work as well - thanking you in advance......**************************************
**************************Due to the snow day : Our 100 Days of School will be rescheduled for Friday, February 16th....************
~Wednesday, February 14th.....$2.00 Red and Pink Dress Down Day -Happy Valentine's Day!~
~.....thank you for all that you do..... enjoy your night - Happy Reading! - prayers for those in need........especially the families around the world that need love, support, comfort and compassion at this time. Keep them close to your heart ......thank you.....Ms. Borik -
Homework for Wednesday, February 14th.....2024
"Happy Valentine's Day! - -Happy Hearts Day!!! - "Show the happy: be you....do you...... for you.....!"~unknown....
NGLS: see above......
1. ELA/Writing: C-book- Heading - Write your spelling words five times each. Then create a sentence for each word. - #5- 10.
2. Read for 30 minutes....... loud and proud....!!!
3. Happy Valentine's Day!!! - enjoy this special time with your family - !!
~Study for Spelling test - Friday, February 16th.....
~100 Days of School Celebration - has been rescheduled for Friday, February 16th...please see the flyer from February 1st.....and if at all possible - please provide your child with 100 Cheerios in a zip lock bag - or any kind of cereal (just please nothing with alot of sugar) -Cheerios, Rice Chex - even Chex mix - -Goldfish - or even little pretzels....in a zip lock bag for activities that I have planned.
~Just a gentle reminder: please provide your child with a plastic bottle of water as well throughout the day. The hard water containers are kept in a separate area and are used at lunchtime. The plastic bottle is kept in the side pocket of their backpack during the day. Thank you for your cooperation...
~...thank you for all that you do.......prayers for those in need....and especially for families around the world who need love, support, compassion and peace...keep them close to your heart and in your thoughts....enjoy your night - Happy Hearts day!! -
Homework for Thursday, February 15th...2024
"Happy Thursday! "Laugh with your eyes, smile with your soul, hug with your heart.. and love with your spirit"-diquotes..
~NGLS: see above....
1.ELA/Writing: C-book - Heading - Write your spelling words five times each. Then create a sentence using each spelling word. # 11-15.
2. Math - complete the sheet - reviewing adding three numbers...
3. Read for 30 minutes.......... loud and proud....!!!
~Study for Spelling test - Friday, February 16th....
~100 Days of School Celebration - has been rescheduled for Friday, February 16th....please see the flyer from February 1st....and if at all possible - please send your child in with 100 Cheerios (in a ziplock bag) and or any kind of cereal - (nothing with sugar though please) - so Rich Chex, Any Chex cereal, even Chex Mix, small pretzels.... Goldfish....for activites that I have planned. - thank you -
~Going forward: just a gentle reminder.....I have to be consistent and follow protocol with regarding "goody bags.." - as I have mentioned at our parent meeting and as it is stated in the Parent Handbook - goody bags are not permitted. If the students want to send something small in a little bag - please provide a small craft, small book, pencils or even erasers - along those lines etc.....please do not send in goody bags with candy. I want to be fair to all families and follow protocol. - thank you for your support and respect.
~Monday, February 19th and Tuesday, February 20th....NO School - February break....return to school on Wednesday, February 21st....
~Monday, February 26th....School Spirit Day!!!!
~Smillows: Gourmet Scented Pillows..... - orders due by Monday, March 11th - $25.- please see flyer - cash preferred...
......thank you for all that you do....prayers for those in need...and especially for all families that need love, compassion and peace around the world at this time...enjoy your night....love, Ms. Borik -
Homework for Friday, February 16th....2024
"Happy Friday....! -Happy 100th day of school...!! -
NGLS: see above....
~....Going forward.... - please see gentle reminder from yesterday's post....thank you
~Monday, February 19th......Tuesday, February 20th...No SChool - we will return on Wednesday, February 21st......
~Smillows: Gourmet Scented Pillows - orders due by Monday, March 11th....$25.- please see flyer - cash preferred....
~Toothbrushes: Mrs. Azzopardi's Stream Class: lesson focused on Everyday and sometimes food.... - to coincide with our Healthy Foods and Nutrition - Colgate provided each student with a toothbrush - thank you Mrs. Azzopardi -
~Monday, February 26th....School Spirit Day!
....thank you for all that you do.....prayers for those in need... for all families that are in need of love, compassion, hugs and support around the world at this time. ~ enjoy your long week......love, Ms. Borik-
Homework for Wednesday, February 21st....2024
"Happy Wednesday!" "we delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty..." maya angelou -
NGLS: see above....
Spelling Words:
1.theme 8. like
2.these 9. dime
3.eve 10.nine
4.price 11. kite
5.twice 12. five
6.slide 13.code
7.bike 14. broke
15. joke
1.ELA/Phonice/Writing: Heading -C-book - write your spelling words # 1-5 five times each. Then create a sentence for each word.
2. Math - worksheet - adding 3 addends...
3. Read for 30 minutes....... loud and proud.....!!!
~ There will not be a spelling test this upcoming Friday.
~ Monday, February 26th......School Spirit Day!!!
~March 1st - Drama Club Production - The Sound of Music....
~School Book Fair - Thursday, March 7th....
~Mid-year check in - 100 Days Smarter !!! - As we continue our journey through the school year, I wanted to take a moment to emphasize the importance of behavior and respect in our classroom. In our classroom we hold certain expectations that maintain a happy safe and positive learning environment for everyone. They are:
~Respect for others: We treat each other with kindness, empathy and respect. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
~Following and listening to directions: It is so important for students to listen carefully to instructions from the teacher and follow them promptly and respectfully. This helps maintain order and allows for smooth transitions between activities.
~Positive attitude: I value a positive attitude and encourage students to approach all challenges with optimism! With this growth mindset we can all enjoy a year with great experiences and a love of learning! - Thank you for your support and for sharing this with your child.
.....thank you for all that you do........ prayers for those in need...and especially for all families that need love, support, compassion and kindness during this time - around the world. - enjoy your night - Happy reading - please encourage your child to do all reading of directions and word problems - as well as reading out loud to you on a daily basis. - love, Ms. Borik - '
Homework for Thursday, February 22nd, 2024
"Happy Thursday!" - "...What we know matters, but who we are and what we give to others from our inside matters more...." - unknown...
NGLS: see above......
1.ELA/Writing/Phonics: C-book - Heading - Write your spelling words five times each. Then create a sentence for each word. # 6-10.
2.Math - worksheet - adding 3 numbers....
3. Read for 30 minutes........ loud and proud......!!
~ There will not be a spelling test this upcoming Friday...
~Monday, February 26th......School Spirit Day!
~March 1st....... Drama Club Production - The Sound of Music...
~School Book Fair - Thursday, March 7th......
~Please see above....Mid year check in - 100 Days Smarter and share with your child. - thank you from my heart.....
....thank you for all that you do......prayers for those in need..... and especially for all families that need love, support, compassion and hugs right now around the world... - please encourage your child to do all reading of directions, word problems and as well as reading out loud to you for 30 minutes - on a daily basis. - enjoy your night - thank you - love, Ms. Borik -
Homework for Monday, February 26th....2024
"Happy Monday! " ....be true to you ....live your truths...losses be gone...and your heart and soul will return home to you soon..." - unknown -
NGLS: *******************************
*************C-book - I have the students C-book here in school - please place the ELA HW on a slice of looseleaf - thank you *******************
1.ELA/Writing/Phonics: Heading -C-book - Write your spelling words # 1-5 five times each. Then create a sentence for each word.
2. Math - review your basic facts - flash cards...! Have fun!
3. Readworks.org - Class code: S2RXQL password: 1234 Assignment: Abraham Lincoln
Spelling Words:
1. joke 8.bike
2.broke 9.slide
3.code 10.twice
4.five 11.price
5.kite 12. eve
6.nine 13. these
7.dime 14. theme
15. like
Focus: Silent e makes the other vowel long..... it says its name.....
~Study for Spelling test - Friday, March 1st.....
~March 1st.....Drama Club Production....see flyer that was sent home today....
~In house field trip for K and first grades.....Wednesday, May 29th....sponsored by Crafty kids...must bring an oversized T-shirt or apron worn over their uniform - $12.00 along with permission slip completed - by Monday, March 11th....
~School Book Fair - Thursday, March 7th....
~Please see above.....Mid Year Check in ---- and share with your child - thanking you from my heart...
~Read for 30 minutes......loud and proud.....on a daily basis.
~thank you for all that you do..... prayers for those in need - and for all those around the world who need love, compassion, hugs and peace in this time of need. Keep them close to your heart - at this time. - enjoy your night.....love, Ms. Borik -
Homework for Tuesday, February 27th....2024
"Happy Tuesday!" -
NGLS: see above...
1.ELA/Writing/Phonics - C-book - Heading - Write your spelling words five times each. Then create a sentence for each word. #6 - 9
2. Math - complete the worksheet - "It's the Doubles....!"
3. Raz-kids......Complete the assignment and then Level up - have fun to earn more points....!! Assignment: American Symbols -
~Study for Spelling test - Friday, March 1st....
~NJHS: the students are supporting the American Heart Association - 1 heart= .50 - cents and or 3 hearts for a dollar -
~Friday, March 1st- Drama Production: The Sound Of Music, Jr. - 7:30
see flyer regarding ticket sales...
~March 3rd....March in the Staten Island Parade and represent St.Teresa-St. Rita STREAM Academy -at the St. Patrick's Day Parade - please meet at 11:45 on Hart Blvd.
~Book Fair - Wednesday, March 7th...1st grade shopping time10:30-11:00am.
~Kindergarten and First grade In house Field Trip - the permission slip and money is due by Monday, March 11th.
~Smillows - orders due by Monday, March 11th... - $25. - each.
~Pretzel Sale: $2.00 each due by Friday, March 1st...
Homework for Wednesday, February 28th....2024
"Happy Wednesday! - "....do not anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen...keep in the sunlight...." ~Ben Franklin..
NGLS: see above....
C-book - Heading - Write your spelling words five times each. Then create a sentence for each word. #10-12
2. Math - complete the worksheet -
3. Raz-plus - complete the assignment and then Level Up!!! - Have fun and happy reading. Please complete and submit - as these are also incorporated into the students' averages and will be graded.*************
~Read for 30 minutes...... loud and proud .....!!!!
~Study for spelling test - Friday, March 1st....
~NJHS: supporting the American Heart Foundation - 1 heart= 50 cents....and 3 hearts = $1.00
~Friday, March 1st....Drama Production: A Sound of Music Jr. see flyer regarding ticket sales...
~March 3rd....march in the St. Patricks Day Parade on Staten Island - and represent...!!! - 11:45 at Hart Blvd.
~Book Fair - Wednesday, March 7th.....First grade shopping time - 10:30- 11:00
~Kindergarten and First grade In house Field Trip - the permission slip and money is due by Monday, March 11th.....
~Smillows - money is due by Monday, March 11th - $25.00 each.
~Pretzel Sale - $2.00 is due by Friday, March 1st...
~Read -A-Thon - please activate account: see flyer distributed today.Go to www.read-a-thon.com/readers - Enter Code: 3229686 - Create and share your page - Bonus: send 10 texts during signup and be entered to win a trip for 4 to Disney!!!
......thank you for all that you do..... prayers for those in need - especially for all families around the world - who need love, compassion, support and hope.....keep them close to your hearts at this time. ~enjoy your night - Happy reading !! love, Ms. Borik -
Homework for Thursday, February 29th...2024
"Happy Thursday!" - "..I can do all things....through Him....who strengthens me..."
NGLS: see above ...
1.ELA/Writing/Phonics- C-book - Heading - Write your words five times each. Then create a sentence for each word. # 13,14 and 15.
2. Math - complete the worksheet - new standard: Show me the money!
3. Raz kids- complete the assignment - then Level Up - enjoy and happy shopping!
~Read for 30 minutes........ loud and proud.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~Study for spelling test - Friday, March 1st....
~Friday, March 1st - Drama Production! - see above...
~Sunday, March 3rd.....Represent - St. Patrick's Day Parade..!11: 45 Hart Blvd.
~Book Fair - March 7th.....First Grade - shopping time: 10;30- 11:00
~Kindergarten and First Grade in house field trip - slip and money due by March 11th...
~Smillows - money is due by March 11th - $25.00
~Pretzels - $2.00 is due by March 1st...
~Read -A- Thon - see flyer that was sent home yesterday and activate account ! - exciting prizes and chance to win a trip for 4 to Disney!!!
...thank you for all that you do......prayers for those in need for those close to you....prayers for those in need around the world - who need love, compassion, comfort and peace... - enjoy your night - Happy reading...!! love, Ms. Borik -