April - Springtime Symmetry
Butterflies and Caterpillars
(Art, science, and math - across the curriculum)
Artist of the month: Artur Bordalo
"Trash Art" fox by Artur Bordalo
Portuguese Artist, Artur Bordalo, makes huge animals from recycled
trash that he finds in the streets. The animals are building sized,
life like sculptures of species endangered by the very trash that he collects. Take a look at his artwork on Google images.
Be prepared to be amazed!
It will soon be spring! April is recycle month in New York State. For Earth Day, we will construct a caterpillar and butterfly from recyclable materials and learn about symmetry!
Our song and coloring sheet will feature the letter F.
Students of the month:
May - Landscapes/Landscape elements
Artist of the month - Claude Monet
Japanese Bridge by Claude Monet
In May, we'll explore landscapes, talk about
the elements found in a landscape
and draw and color a picture of our neighborhood!
Maybe you love Impressionism...nows the time to share that love
with your child by spending time with the work of 19th Century, Impressionist Artist, Claude Monet!
Students of the month:
My Neighborhood
June - Illustration
Artist of the month: Eric Carle
In June, we'll read a book together, and I will ask the children to draw a picture of the main character and what happened in the story.
Student of the month:
September - Lines and Shapes
Artist of the Month - Piet Mondrian
Abstract grid Painting
by Piet Mondrian
For September, we'll practice drawing lines and shapes and put them together in an abstract artwork made with lots of colors. We'll also practice singing a song and coloring and drawing pictures that highlight the letter A!
Find time to look at the simple, colorful grid paintings
of Piet Mondrion!
Students of the month:
Line and shape Abstract
Mila William Luca
October - Portraits and Faces
Artist of the Month - Mary Engelbreit
Self portrait cartoon by Mary Engelbreit
For October, the children will be drawing emojis and
scary Halloween monster faces to learn about expressions
They will draw a self portrait. Then we will sing a song and
draw and color a sheet that features
things that start with the letter B!
Take a look at the whimsical illustrations of Mary Engelbreit,
graphic artist and illustrator, who creates childlike, cartoon
portraits that capture the nostalgia of simpler times.
Student of the month:
Self Portraits
Danny Elissa Louis
Halloween Monsters
November/December - Crafts
Artists of the month - Toy Designers
Minecraft figures by Hasbro
Bratz dolls by Mattel Toys
For November, Kindergarten students will be working on a Thanksgiving craft gift!
For December, Kindergarten students will make a play dough Christmas tree ornament and learn a song and color a sheet that features the letter C!
Check out the great toy designs made by commercial artists
who work at companies like Mattel and Hasbro.
Just one of many Jobs that artists get to work at every day!
Student of the month:
December Ornament
Letter C Sheet
Caylan Elissa
Siena Logan
January - 3D shapes
Artist of the Month - Alexander Calder
Fish Mobile by Alexander Calder
For January, Kindergarten students will draw, model and review 3D shapes and then, make a "3D" picture from play dough. Our song and coloring sheet will feature the letter D.
Try to find time to look at the colorful, sometimes silly sculptures
and mobiles made by Alexander Calder
Student of the month:
Letter D Sheet
Madison Matthew
February - Colors and the Rainbow
Artist of the Month - Frank Stella
Starry Night
The Spectrum
For February, we'll learn about colors, paint a rainbow and mix play dough to learn how to make our secondary colors. Our song and coloring sheet will feature Rainbows as well!
If you have some time to google Frank Stella's colorful Paintings,
it will be fun for you and your children!
Student of the month:
Rainbows and
Sienna Robert
Color wheels
Caylan Logan
March - Stick Figures and Characters
Artist of the Month: Faith Riengold
From Tar Beach by Faith Riengold
In March, we'll make a stick figure Leprechaun and follow the rainbow to his pot of gold. Our song and coloring sheet will feature the letter E.
Try to find a read aloud of the Faith Rinngold Story "Tar Beach" on
YouTube. Take a look at her beautiful Quilt illustrations of Summer
Rooftop life in Harlem during the Twentieth Century!
Student of the Month:
Leprechaun Rainbow
Arabella Madison
Matthew Cassidy
Letter E Sheet
Cassidy James
Joseph Louis
Art Supply list
*4 pencils,
*a pencil sharpener and eraser
*1 glue stick,
*An 8-pack of large, easy to handle crayons (preferably Crayola),
*a 4 pack of play dough,
*A pack of 8 to 10 Crayola classic broad line washable markers
*A t-shirt smock.
Mark all supplies, including
smocks with your child’s name and grade.