Tuesday: How many building do you think we will see outside our window?
Wednesday: What type of building is this?(firehouse)
Thursday: Is this building a home?(neighborhood house)
Friday: Can you find and put on your name tag?(supermarket - store signs)
REMINDERS: 1. Please send in the materials to decorate a Spring
bonnet/hat the week of March 4th labeled with your child's namein a bag.
2. Wednesday, March 6th we will celebrate Wacky Wednesday, children may wear clothes backwards, insideout,or mismatched.
3. Thursday 3/7 Scholastic Book Fair PKFA shopping schedule is 9:20-9:50am. Please come and shop with your child. If you are not able to attend, please send money in an envelope for your child to purchase books.
Monday March 11,2024
This week we are continuing our Building Unit
Monday: Have you gone to the doctors before?
Tuesday: What do you think this book will be about?(building a house)
Wednesday: Who uses this tool?(hammer)
Thursday: What do you want to ask a builder?
Friday: Which building in this story was the strongest?(The Three Little Javelinas)
REMINDERS: 1. Please return your Parent/Teacher Conference time sheet.
2. Please send in your child's Spring bonnet/hat decorations if you have not already done so.
3. Friday 3/15 optional $2.00 St. Patrick's Day Green dress down.
4. Wednesday 3/20 PKFA End of the year Celebration Pictures. Dress your best!
5. Friday 3/22 Spring Parade Family Engagement at 1:15pm. Students may dress up.
Monday March 18,2024
This week we will continue working on our Building Unit
Monday: What happened to this house?
Tuesday: Is this building sturdy?
Wednesday: What is the name of the community you live in?
Thursday: What type of building are you building for our community?
Friday: What should we name our community?
REMINDERS:1. Please return your Parent/Teacher Conference time sheet. Parent conferences will take place on MONDAY 3/25
2. Wednesday 3/20 PKFA End of the year Celebration Picture. Dress your best!
3. Friday 3/22 Spring Parade Family Engagement at 1:15 Students may dress up!
Please join us tomorrow for our Spring Parade. You may arrive at 12:50pm. The parking lot will be closed,so you need to find street parking.
Students may wear their spring dress up clothes. If you wish to take your child home after the parade,please complete the form that is in your child's folder or email in the morning. The parade will be outside, so please provide a sweater for your child to wear.