Welcome to Pre-K for All Yellow!
September 2024
Our first day of school is on Thursday, September 5th.
More information is forthcoming.
Please keep an eye out for Mrs. Fresca's Welcome Letter.
If your child has any allergies, please send in a note letting me know on the first day of school.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. [email protected]
For the first day of school please have your child bring in the following:
2 folders
Backpack (The backpack must be large enough to hold the folder and lunchbox)
fitted crib sheet, small blanket or happy napper type of mat cover (no large blanket or quilts)
family photo (no larger than 4 x 6)
change of clothes (shirt, socks, two pairs of underwear, pull on pants-Please place them in a gallon zip lock bag and label with your child’s name.)
Please use a permanent marker to label everything with your child’s name including sweatshirts and jackets.
****************Classroom Wish List********************
If possible, please donate any of these items to our class.
paper towels
baby wipes
Lysol disinfecting wipes
Click on the month for more information.
For the safety of our children with allergies, please do not send your child to school with any snacks that contain peanuts or peanut butter. Thank you for your cooperation.